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Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) Ground-Based Sensor Array

Mapping Lightning in Three Dimensions

Lightning produces strong VHF radio emissions during breakdowns of virgin air. LMAs use accurate GPS timing to produce 3D lightning maps based on the positions of these RF sources.

LMAs are networked arrays of VHF radio receivers that map the 3D structure of lightning flashes from the RF radiation emitted during incremental breakdowns of virgin air. LMAs locate lightning RF sources using a Differential Time of Arrival (DTOA) technique that relies on accurate GPS timing at each receiver. LMAs detect total lightning, but primarily map the in-cloud channels of lightning flashes.

While at the University of Maryland, I maintained the Washington, DC LMA (DCLMA). I also developed Python scripts for generating 3D and 360-degree plots of LMA data. The 360-degree imagery and videos are ideal for Virtual Reality demonstrations that place the audience in the heart of severe weather. I also use LMA data to verify the lightning maps produced by lightning imagers including LIS and GLM. These space-based platforms generally miss low-altitude lightning channels, but the overall flash extent and pictures of channels near the cloud top are consistent between the VHF LMAs and optical space-based sensors.